Whilst in Canada i thought i might try and find myself a new watch having lived without one for a year or so. I'm attending more and more meetings nowadays, and relying on my iPhone 3GS's poor battery life is not the best approach.
I was struggling to find a watch i like. I'm a techie, but i love simplicity. It appears most watch manufactures assume guys want a techie watch that imitates Microsoft Windows; clunky, too advanced for it's own good and naff looking. Then someone (my coolest brother-in-law-to-be) reminded me of an idea I was made aware of before... the iPod Watch!
I quickly checked the Canadian Apple Store prices, compared to the UK's, and saw that with the exchange rate as it was, i could make a £40 saving on the iPod. Bundle into that the saving on the strap, i think i worked out that i saved about £80! Bargain! I opted for a "HEX" metal strap, which matches the silver coloured iPod Nano nicely.
So why did i do it?
Firstly, the Nano is light, and i think it's actually lighter than most watch bodies, certainly the ones i tried on. Secondly, the interface. As a watch, this interface rocks. I have instant access to the date / time, but with a swipe of my finger, i have a stop watch and an alarm clock. The interface follows that of my iPhone and iPad, so it feels natural now. Something i'm sure Apple is very happy with indeed!
The last ancillary benefit is that it's also an iPod. When sat on the train, i can now use my "watch" as a multi-functional device that it is and listen to up to 8GBs worth of music. Plenty, in my view to last a train ride or run!
Here's a couple of photos of my setup, which in total cost $230 :
EDIT : This is the strap and shop link : http://www.shophex.com/product/HX1026
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