Introducing FileHaven & a call for help

Posted Jul 19, 2013 | ~2 minute read


Screen Shot 2013-07-19 at 16.02.38We're super excited to finally show you a little more of the web app we've been working on for the last few months. This is a tidy little web-app called "FileHaven" and our plans are very small indeed; to revolutionise the way advisors work / liaise with clients.

However, whilst we're full of creative ideas on how to build and design this, we're actively looking at the moment for a small group of financial advisors that can spare a few pennies in exchange for the product for free, for life.

You might be asking why we're asking for a few pennies. In essence, the answer is two-fold. Firstly, we want to make sure we're building something blumming useful for the audience we want it to appeal to. We're not advisors, but we like to think we know enough to get the ball rolling in the right direction. We just want to do right by you.

The second reason is finding the time to work on it. Personally, I've found it pretty difficult to prioritise my time to work on this. Between paid client work and FH, it's nearly always been client work. Getting some form of investment in this will change things considerably, as we'll be able to work on this full-time, alongside our existing projects.

If you're getting all sorts of excited by how this is looking* then please get in touch. We need you as much as we're hoping you'll need this app!

Thanks very much for taking the time to read this. Now go enjoy your weekend :)

* If you're as excited as the bottom avatar on the mockup, we definitely need you!