Do you know how to clone someone?

Posted Mar 22, 2011 | ~3 minute read

For those of you that follow me on twitter (@cssgareth if you don't) you may have noticed that at the moment, i'm particularly busy with projects. This isn't anything new and i've been riding the wave of work for a while now, giving up evenings, weekends and a fair amount of sleep to get projects done. This is all part-and-parcel of the industry and i LOVE IT!

But, and it's a big but, i would like to build up a little bank of super, kick-ass developers that would like to work on some pretty amazing projects. I'm not on about churning out bog-standard corporate crap that the web is littered with, i'm talking about projects that make a huge difference to the industries i'm involved with. If you are innovative, dream about how to improve & speed up your CRUD systems and like being involved in sweet-ass projects, let's have a quick chat and see whether there's scope to work together.

A few "must haves" from my point of view are :

  • It would be jolly handy if you knew or were familiar with Codeigniter PHP framework. If you don't know it right now, go away, learn it and come back once you do. Let me know before you learn it so that i can remember how amazing and dedicated you are. No joke.
  • EDIT : If you can recall wordpress functions and theme handles quicker than your parents Birthdays, you're going to be right at home!
  • CSS should be a second language to you. If you look through your window and think opacity: 0; we're on the right track. Alternatively, if you know CSS but aren't so hot on the up-and-coming CSS3 changes, that's okay. I'll just reduce the number of hobnob biscuits you get...
  • jQuery should be your javascript framework of choice. I'm not overly fussed if it isn't, but it'll help give us something else to talk about.
  • Your attention to detail should be almost compulsive. It's a quality i really admire...
  • To you, customers come first. I can't believe how many web developers i've come across where the developer can't be left in a room with a "human" for fear of someone ending up in hospital (a slight exaggeration maybe, but you get my point). Ultimately, my customers will put food on your plate. It's not hard to see why they're important, and should be treated with respect. R.E.S.P.E.C.T
  • You want to ride the wave of change. The more desire and determination you have, the better. Let's make sexy interwebs.

If you're not put off by above, that's ace. Congrats, now do the right thing and send me an email with your digits, portfolio link and anything else that you think will "seal the deal". You'll need my email, which is gareth [at] Before you hit send, check for tpyos . It takes two seconds and trust ye ol' spell checker.

If you think the tone of this post is a little too informal. Tough. It's how i roll.